Dragon Evo Wiki
Dragon Evo Wiki

How to build your deck[]

A strong deck is a diverse one. You can select any cards from your collection to make a deck consisting of a group of 14 cards. It is with your deck along with your selected hero that you will be facing your opponents. You can create as many decks as you would like. But you need to use cards in the same faction as the selected hero or world cards.


29.07.2019: The Deckbuilder and Equipment is currently undergoing some design changes. We are also changing the rules of the game which will in turn reflect on the number of cards you can have in your deck. Revert back to this page later once the "Frozen fish" update is released to see the new changes.

How to Equp your cards[]

Select any card from your deck and you will see the equipment screen. Here you can equip your card* with all** the equipment you have either bought or won


  • Not all cards can be equipped. Typicaly very powerful humanoids and creatures that don't use clothes & weapons will not be equippable.
    • Equipment with a level higher than the selected card will be displayed as "greyed out"

Combat Power[]

Combat power or CP for short, is the estimated strenght of your deck. The health, damage and level ofnthe cards in your current deck all increases your total deck CP. Remember still that a deck at strenght 95cp can still win over a deck with 150cp... you just need to play your cards right.

How to level up or Upgrade your cards[]

All creature and Hero cards can be upgraded or leveled up. Maximum level is currently at 20. Health and Damage, and sometimes DMP, will be upgraded when you level up.


To level up you need a card at the same lvl and type as the one you want to level up and you need Adaptorite. Adaptorite is earned while you play, both against AI in story/adventure mode and in PVP matches. Think of the crystals as XP.

You gain 1 adaptorite for loosing a game, and 2 adaptorite for winning a game.

To level up a card go to your collection and select the card you wish to level up. As mentioned you need Adaptorite (increases per level) and you need to sacrfice a card at same level and type as the one you are leveling up. It is here important to think who you want to keep. As when you are buying a card you sometimes get a card that does more or less damage or has more health or DMP as a similar card.
